Sunday, October 4, 2009

Comments about "Grey Matters"


dfarar said...

I loved this book. It held my rapt attention from beginning to end. I loved the characters, their relationships, the reality of experiences and their non-reality. As an attorney, the ethical and legal dilemma are great, timely to current events, and each made me ponder regardless of my political lean. It is a good story, a good glimpse into medical practice, causes a health dose of thinking over complicated issues and over all a good read. I hope to have my book club do a review of this. Thanks Mark.

Rocketman said...

"Grey Matters" is a pleasurable, satisfying read. It has something for everyone: medical drama, medical ethics, relationship and romance, interesting characters, the intersection of the conscious and unconscious. I enjoyed the character of, Joe...who is a good guy, but like all of us, far from perfect. Well done.

Megan said...

This book was amazing. It told the story of life, love and eventually loss. The characters held my interest and the stroyline blew me away. There was never a dull moment and I wanted to keep reading from the moment I woke up in the morning until I was forced to turn off the light. Thanks for provding a book that captured such great emotion for me.

Laura said...

Very interesting book! It kept my attention and really got me thinking about the reasons people make the choices they make in their life. Thanks for sharing it!

Kristen said...

I LOVED this book!! I couldn't stop reading it. It is so well written, and is really a book for everyone. The book was not only fun to read but also made me really think about life and dealing with things that come into our path. Thanks for writing such a great book.

Tankfos said...

This book really opened my eyes to some of the difficult decisions and situations that can be found within medicine and even more so in life. Not only did Mark do a wonderful job of telling a moving love story, but he also uses an array of symbols and imagery that will give any reader something to think about after they are done reading. This is a very good book and is worth anyones time to read.

Kjell Benson said...

As a physician, I loved the realistic medical scenes. The beauty of the novel the connections between the medicine and personal; eventually, for better or for worse, that intersection is where we all end up.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this book. Thank you for writing such a thought provoking, emotionally gripping story. It doesn't offer easy anwers to difficult issues but instead provides an opportunity for the reader to think and feel their way through them. You have a gift for writing novels and I hope you write more.


Anonymous said...

This was such an engrossing novel. I felt a connection to the characters and was blown away by some of the beautifully vivid dream imagery. The medical/ethical themes were compelliing and very thought provoking.

Anonymous said...

Rarely have I had the chance to read a book that not only made me feel, but made me think. Grey Matters provided a perfect channel for both. Thanks and I hope to see a new title soon!

Anonymous said...

Excellent read - I was intrigued with the main character, Joe, almost immediately. Thought provoking personally and professionally.

Anonymous said...

A page turner. Mark is a superb story teller and spins the web of suspense with finese. Dr. Joe makes some interesting choices quickly in his young career, so this makes for a great book club selection. The topics for discussion can cover, the subconscious psyche, ethics, the fascinating use of colors throughout the book and even the title. I enjoyed it and recommend it highly.

Mark said...

Thanks to all those who have read Grey Matters and posted comments. I'm glad you've enjoyed it.

If you don't have a google account or need to post "anonymously", feel free to leave your name and your hometown after your comment. I would appreciate knowing who has read it and where you are from.

So far, I know we've had readers from Arizona, Utah, Minnesota, Wyoming, Rhode Island, New York, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Texas, and several cities in Colorado, including Alamosa, Granby, Denver, Morrison, and Littleton.

If you've read the book and enjoyed it, please forward this website to any friends who may be interested. Hopefully, we can keep the momentum going and continue to grow the size and scope of the audience, large enough that someday we can see this book in print.

Finally, if anyone has any questions about the book, the story or the characters, feel free to ask and I'll try and respond in a timely matter in this comment thread.

Thanks for your support!

Sheff said...

So far I have enjoyed it...and the formatting has worked just fine on my Kindle. I'm 6 chapters in, but have enjoyed the story!

Matt S.

Jeri Evans said...

Mark: Loved your book! You have brought your kind, compassionate and caring soul forward in a book that has us want to make choices in life, but lets us understand there are many we cannot chose. You have brought life, love and death together into a beautiful book that made me want to turn each page to the end. The book held me captive from beginning to end! Great Work!

Margaret said...

I am so glad that I read Grey Matters. I find myself often thinking about the story, the characters, the ethics... That's how I can judge it to be a great book. It has had a lasting impact on me.

Jenny said...

I've been beating you over the head with what I think about your book, I know, but I just have to say here that the medical and ethical dilemmas in your book were fascinating. I'd love to read more of your take on things.

Anonymous said...


I really enjoyed reading "Grey Matters". Some days I just couldn't put it down.
You are a wonderful writer, very sensitive and described the different situations with much detail. I was very much impressed!

Thank you.

Sheff said...


Just finished it 3 days ago. Well written. Perhaps it didn't end the way I hoped, but it was very interesting, and made me appreciate the 5 week old in my arms.

Matt S.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Mark. Wow. I still have tears in my eyes and goosebumps on my arms. I started Grey Matters last night, and could barely put it down to go to bed. I was riveted. As much as I didn't want it to turn out the way it did, I was so pleased that you didn't wimp out and go Hollywood, making everyone live happily ever after. You are an amazing writer. Thank you for addressing such important issues that we all try to sweep under the rug. Your book should be required reading for all med students. You've touched my heart. Thank you. ---Lisa Gwin

Anonymous said...

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Gin said...


You have an artist's touch. You are able to write a picture. It was easy to see the mountains and scenes in the book. Having the couple come together in a dream was interesting. However, I didn't enjoy the last part of the book. I wish that I had quit reading in the middle. I read to find excitement and happiness and love. I enjoy reading books where the "good guys" win. If I want sad endings and loss, I'll just live life.


Matt, Anslin, Brooklyn, Benson said...

Very compelling throughout. Interesting storyline and interesting issues. Little cheesy/hard to believe and relate to in the beginning (or at least beginnings of the dream). Overall, very enjoyable book. thanks.

Anslin Ball

Bill Strohecker said...

Nice work Mark. Dr. Joe Rorke teaches us that dreams do come true...and that all of us have a soulmate.

I picked the book up on Monday and finished it on Thursday. You kept my interest from cover to cover.

Hopefully, you'll meet my brother soon, Dr. Joel Strohecker, a hospitalist at the University of Denver hospital.